AI-generated image from Midjourney using the prompt: dramatic portrait of an AI robot, helping a graphic designer create artwork in Photoshop, 35mm lens, realistic, dynamic background, hyper realistic, 8K, narrow depth of field --ar 3:2 --c 50 --v 4

AI-generated image from Midjourney using the prompt: dramatic portrait of an AI robot, helping a graphic designer create artwork in Photoshop, 35mm lens, realistic, dynamic background, hyper realistic, 8K, narrow depth of field --ar 3:2 --c 50 --v 4

This picture was shared by mustard 1 year and 1 month ago.

PNG 1536 × 1024

EXIF Explorer
File TypePNG
File Type Extensionpng
MIME Typeimage/png
Image Width1536
Image Height1024
Bit Depth8
Color TypeRGB
Exif Byte OrderBig-endian (Motorola, MM)
Image Size1536x1024